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samedi 6 mars 2010

For Skype Users: Introducing SkypeTalking version 0.6 for NVDA

Coucou mes amis du blog de BlindHelp!
Voici une trouvaille sur la toîle!
For Skype Users: Introducing SkypeTalking for
NVDA, version 0.6.1!

Infos donner par mon ami Arnaud!
il dit:
> potentiellement très intéressant pour les bavard sur Skype, LOL.
Voici l'info in english:!
> Hello all,
> I am proud to announce that I've developed an application that brings
> better Skype support to NVDA! In fact, this will be alternative to
> SKRead, which is discontinued.
> So what it does?
> SkypeTalking is primarily created for NVDA users. All other screen
> readers have already some kind of access to Skype, and they can read
> online statuses, incoming chats, incoming calls etc. Well, with
> SkypeTalking, now NVDA can too!
> Breaf details:
> This is SkypeTalking version 0.5, and in this first version it currently
> supports the following basic features:
> 1. Communication between Skype API and nvdaControllerClient -- the
> output is given in both speech and braille,
> 2. Announcement of incoming calls, incoming/outgoing chat messages, and
> user statuses including online, ofline, away etc.
> 3. Announcement of call statuses such as call connected, call dropped,
> call finished etc.
> 4. And it's more to come, including support for other screen readers,
> configuration dialog etc. etc.!
> This program runs in system tray. In right-click popup menu there are
> two options available, About and Exit. They are self-describing, so no
> need to talk too much.
> The program is OpenSource, though currently access to source code is
> only available if you contact me privately until I find an SVN
> repository where I'll put my source code. BTW: It's programmed in
> Python! Used dependencies are Skype4Py and wxPython, at the moment.
> Important!
> SkypeTalking.exe needs authorization to access Skype, so you must
> unblock SkypeTalking.exe application under tools/options/advanced/Manage
> other program's access to skype link before using it! Otherwise, the
> application will not work! Please don't say I didn't worn you, and don't
> send me any emails that the program is not working before trying to
> authorize it for use with Skype!
> I hope that SkypeTalking works well with both 3.x and 4.x versions.
> Currently I'm using it with Skype 4.2, on Windows XP machine.
> The application is portable, and doesn't need to be installed, though I
> am planning to make an installer for it in the future.
Download link for SkypeTalking version 0.5 is:
*Cette version n'est plus actuelle!
Voir le lien de la nouvelle version portable plus bas!

>Extract somewhere and enjoy! Note, if you move program to any other
> place, it may happen that you will have to reauthorize it like it is
> case with Miranda with Skype.
> Happy skyping with NVDA!

Hrvoje Katić>

Et voici les nouveau liens de la nouvelle version!
SkypeTalking 0.6.1 Portable archive
Nom du fichier:
Puis le lien directe:

SkypeTalking 0.6.1 Installer
nom du fichier:
puis le lien directe:

Source de l'info:
Josh Kennedy’s general blog » Blog Archive » skype talking program for NVDA
screen reader

skypetalking - Project Hosting on Google Code

Source des téléchargements:

Voila pour l'infos!
Pas encore tester loool de loool!
Bien amicalement a vous.

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