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mercredi 24 mars 2010

Les baladeurs compatibles, avec Rockbox! (Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware) cliquez ici pour ateindre la page de RockBox en anglais!

Coucou mes amis du blog de BlindHelp!
Voici les baladeurs compatibles avec RockBox, informatión extrait de la page de RockBox en anglais ...
ils son les suivants:

•Apple: 1st through 5.5th generation iPod, iPod Mini and 1st generation iPod Nano
(not the Shuffle, 2nd/3rd gen Nano, Classic or Touch)
•Archos: Jukebox 5000, 6000, Studio, Recorder, FM Recorder, Recorder V2 and Ondio<<7li>

•Cowon: iAudio X5, X5V, X5L, M5, M5L, M3 and M3L

•iriver: H100, H300 and H10 series

•Olympus: M:Robe 100

•SanDisk: Sansa c200, e200 and e200R series (not the v2 models)

•Toshiba: Gigabeat X and F series (not the S series)

Source de l'info:
(Page en anglais):
Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware

Rockbox is an open source firmware for mp3 players, written from scratch. It runs on a wide range of players:

Stable ports

Rockbox runs well on these players, has a complete manual and is supported by
the installer:
Rockbox 3.5.1 Download

Liste de 7 éléments
• Apple: iPod 1g through 5.5g, iPod Mini and iPod Nano 1g
• Archos: Jukebox 5000, 6000, Studio, Recorder, FM Recorder, Recorder V2 and Ondio
• Cowon: iAudio X5, X5V, X5L, M5, M5L, M3 and M3L
• iriver: iHP100 series, H100 series, H300 series and H10 series
• Olympus: M:Robe 100
• SanDisk: Sansa c200 series (not v2), e200 series (all models), and Fuze v1 (not v2)
• Toshiba: Gigabeat X and F series
Fin de la liste

Bien amicalement a vous.

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