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mercredi 20 octobre 2010

NVDA 2010.2rc1 Released, vient de sortire aujourd'ui!

Coucou mes amis du blog de BlindHelp!
Voici une version de NVDA qui a été publiée comme candidate aujourd'hui, il s'agit de la:
NVDA 2010.2rc1 Released
maintenant ils ne serons pas plus en bêtas.

Si elle est approuvée, sera une version estable et définitif.
Je pense que la sortie de la version finale est prevu la semaine prochaine.
Plus bas je vous met les liens directes et les changements...
Bien amicalement.

NVDA 2010.2rc1 Released

NVDA 2010.2rc1 has just been released. This is a release candidate, which means that unless

any critical issues are found, this will be almost identical
to the final 2010.2 release.

Note that there may be some minor updates to some translations (particularly of the what's

new document) in the final release.

Changes from beta2 to rc1:

Liste de 5 éléments
• Updated translations.
• Updated What's New.
• Fixed the issue where copying text to the clipboard from flat review of the screen only

copied part of the text in some circumstances. (
• When moving the main cursor in virtual buffers, the review cursor will always review the

entire document as intended, rather than reviewing the focused
object. This was supposed to be fixed in beta2, but the fix was flawed.
• NVDA will now once again function in Windows XP with no service pack. This was supposed to

be fixed in beta2, but another change had to be made to make
this work correctly. (
Fin de la liste

Download links and change log:

Liste de 3 éléments
• NVDA 2010.2rc1 installer
• NVDA 2010.2rc1 portable version
• What's new in 2010.2rc1
Fin de la liste

Liste de 3 éléments
Posted: 2010-10-20 05:43 (Updated: 2010-10-20 11:18)
Fin de la liste


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